





Temporarily disables/enables the Aero mode of Vista/Windows 7

property Aero: TAero read GetAero write SetAero default DEF_Aero;

__property TAero Aero=read=GetAero, write=SetAero, default=1

Property Aero As TAero


This TAero property is used to disable/enable the Windows Aero mode (the transparency of the window titles in Vista / Windows 7)

By default the Windows Vista and Windows 7 desktop use the "Aero" mode (in this mode you can see the background under the transparent borders and title of the windows).
In this mode the overlay rendering can't be used.

To get a better video quality when playing MPEG clips in full screen mode with the VMR7 / VMR9 and the frame grabber is disabled, you can temporarily disable the Aero mode then the video starts playing by setting Aero = ae_ForceOffWhenStartingVideo

If you prefer to disable the Aero mode immediately set Aero = ae_ForceOffImmediately (then set Aero = ae_ForceOnImmediately to restore it).

Note that it is not possible to enable the Aero mode if it was disabled when starting the application (unless changing the properties of the desktop), it is only possible to disable the Aero mode if it was enabled, then re-enable it and re-disable as needed.