Camera control




Camera control overview.


General camera control settings

The camera control settings allow to control pan, tilt, roll, zoom, exposure, iris, etc...
They are available on the current video capture device whether IsCameraControlAvailable returns true.

The possible camera controls settings are enumerated by the TCameraControl type.

For each camera control setting, it is possible to :
- retrieve the current value with CameraControlValue
- retrieve the "auto" or "manual" mode with CameraControlAuto
- retrieve the default value with CameraControlDefault
- retrieve the minimum value with CameraControlMin
- retrieve the maximum value with CameraControlMax
- retrieve the stepping value with CameraControlStep

Use of the SetCameraControl parameters:
- if SetAuto is true, SetDefault and SetValue are ignored and the setting is switched in "auto" mode
- if SetAuto is false and SetDefault is true, SetValue is ignored and the setting is set to its default value,
- if SetAuto is false and SetDefault is false, the SetValue value is applied to the setting.

The default, minimum, maximum and stepping values are usually used to set trackbar ranges. See the miscVideoQuality form of the MainDemo project for sample code.

Note: these properties are device-dependent . Any form that uses these properties should be refreshed when the OnVideoDeviceSelected event occurs.
See the MainDemo project for sample code.

Pan / Tilt position control

With some cameras it is possible to control the pan and tilt positionning by using SendCameraCommand.

See Also
TCameraControl CameraControlAuto CameraControlDefault CameraControlMax CameraControlMin CameraControlSettings CameraControlStep GetCameraExposure GetCameraExposureAsString IsCameraControlAvailable IsCameraControlSettingAvailable SendCameraCommand SetCameraControl SetCameraExposure