





When specified the GetLastFrames... functions wait for the next frame

property GetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs: LongInt read GetGetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs write SetGetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs;

__property int ZoomYCenter=read=GetGetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs, write=SetGetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs, nodefault

Property GetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs As Long


By default the GetLastFrame... functions return the current video frame.

When GetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs is set to a duration expressed in milliseconds (e.g. 50), the GetLastFrame... functions wait for the next frame, eventually return it, or fail if the timeout specified expires.

- for live sources the maximum duration is not critical, it is possible to set e.g. 1000 milliseconds

- during playback, when paused, we recommend to set a maximum value of 1.5 times the average time between 2 frames, to be sure to catch the next frame but avoid a potential deadlock when the clip is paused and/or when seeking.
E.g. at 30 fps the average time between 2 frames is 33ms, so GetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs = 50ms should work.

See Also
TAutoFileName TFrameCaptureDest TOnFrameCaptureCompleted BurstCount BurstInterval BurstMode BurstType CaptureFrameSyncTo CaptureFrameTo FrameCaptureHeight FrameCaptureWidth FrameCaptureWithoutOverlay FrameCaptureZoomSize GetFrameInfoString GetLastFrameAsHBITMAP GetLastFrameAsTBitmap GetLastFrameBitmapBits GetLastFrameBitmapBits2 JPEGPerformance JPEGProgressiveDisplay JPEGQuality Last_BurstFrameCapture_FileName Last_CaptureFrameTo_FileName OnDiskFull OnFrameBitmap SetFrameCaptureBounds StoragePath WebcamStillCaptureButton