





Used to make a PIP (Picture In Picture) between 2 TVideoGrabber components

function Mixer_SetupPIPFromSource (SourceUniqueID: LongInt; Source_Left: LongInt; Source_Top: LongInt; Source_Width: LongInt; Source_Height: LongInt; ActivatePIP: Boolean; PIP_Left: LongInt; PIP_Top: LongInt; PIP_Width: LongInt; PIP_Height: LongInt; MoveToTop: Boolean): LongInt;

int __fastcall Mixer_SetupPIPFromSource(int SourceUniqueID, int Source_Left, int Source_Top, int Source_Width, int Source_Height, bool ActivatePIP, int PIP_Left, int PIP_Top, int PIP_Width, int PIP_Height, bool MoveToTop);

function SetPIPFromSource (SourceUniqueID as Long, Source_Left as Long, Source_Top as Long, Source_Width as Long, Source_Height as Long, ActivatePIP as Bool, PIP_Left as Long, PIP_Top as Long, PIP_Width as Long, PIP_Height as Long, MoveToTop as Bool) as Long


This function setups a TVideoGrabber component to receive the whole video frames (or a cropped part of these video frames) from another TVideoGrabber component, and to display it in "PIP" mode (Picture In Picture), at any location or size in the destination video frame.


- the "Source_..." parameters specify a "rectangle part" of the source video frame that will be displayed in the destination video frame. Specifying 0, 0, 0, 0 means you send the whole source video frame.
- the "PIP_..." parameters specify a "rectangle part" of the destination video frame where the source will be displayed in "PIP" mode.

SourceUniqueID: LongInt
specifies the UniqueID property of the TVideoGrabber component that must send the video frams

Source_Left: LongInt
Left location in the source video frame

Source_Top: LongInt
Top location in the source video frame

Source_Width: LongInt
Width of the source rectangle (set 0 to let TVideoGrabber use automatically the full width of the source video frame)

Source_Height: LongInt
Height of the source rectangle (set 0 to let TVideoGrabber use automatically the full width of the source video frame)

ActivatePIP: Boolean
Specifies if the PIP display must be activated or not

PIP_Left: LongInt
Left location of the PIP on the destination video frame

PIP_Top: LongInt
Top location of the PIP on the destination video frame

PIP_Width: LongInt
Width of the PIP on the destination video frame

PIP_Height: LongInt
Height of the PIP on the destination video frame

MoveToTop: Boolean
Must be set to true if several PIP are partially overlapped and this one should appear above the others

Identifier of the mixer relation, this value is required e.g. by Mixer_Activation to activate/deativate this PIP on the fly.

See Also
MixAudioSamples MixAudioSamples_CurrentSourceLevel MixAudioSamples_ExternalSourceLevel Mixer_Activation Mixer_AddToMixer Mixer_MosaicColumns Mixer_MosaicLines Mixer_RemoveFromMixer