





Occurs when a DV a discontinuity occurs

property OnDVDiscontinuity: TOnDVDiscontinuity read FOnDVDiscontinuity write FOnDVDiscontinuity;

__property TOnDVDiscontinuity OnDVDiscontinuity=read=FOnDVDiscontinuity, write=FOnDVDiscontinuity

Event OnDVDiscontinuity( DeliverNewFrame as Boolean)


Occurs when a time discontinuity is detected in the DV date/time, if available.

From this event you can invoke e.g. StopRecording to stop the current recording, or RecordToNewFileNow to start a new recording when a time discontinuity is detected in the DV date/time data.

Set the DeliverNewFrame parameter to "false" to prevent the current video frame (that corresponds to the 1st frame of the new time) to be saved in the file generated when closing the current recording.

Important: from this event you should not perform any actions with the potential to block, such as holding a critical section or waiting on another thread. Also, do not call any GDI or USER32.DLL APIs.