



Type of the OnRawVideoSample and OnRawAudioSample events.


TOnRawSample=procedure(Sender: TObject; pSampleBuffer: pByte; SampleBufferSize: LongInt; SampleDataLength: LongInt; FormatType: TFormatType; pFormat: Pointer; pBitmapInfoHeader: Pointer; SampleStartTime: LargeInteger; SampleStopTime: LargeInteger) of object;

typedef void __fastcall(__closure *TOnRawSample)(System::TObject *Sender, Windows::PByte pSampleBuffer, int SampleBufferSize, int SampleDataLength, TFormatType FormatType, void *pFormat, void *pBitmapInfoHeader, __int64 SampleStartTime, __int64 SampleStopTime);


Type of the OnRawVideoSample and OnRawAudioSample events.

SampleBuffer: pByte
Pointer to the buffer containing the sample data.

SampleBufferSize: Integer
Size of the buffer containing the sample data.

SampleDataLength: Integer
Length of the valid data in the buffer.

FormatType: type of the format, see TFormatType

pFormat: pointer
Pointer to the format whose type depends of the FormatType:
ft_VideoInfo: pFormat is a pVideoInfoHeader pointer
ft_VideoInfo2: pFormat is a pVideoInfoHeader2 pointer
ft_MpegVideo: pFormat is a pMpegVideoInfo pointer
ft_Mpeg2Video: pFormat is a pMpeg2VideoInfo pointer
ft_WaveFormatEx: pFormat is a pWaveFormatEx pointer.

SampleStartTime: int64 (or Double for the OCX version)
Start time of the sample, expressed in 100 nano-seconds units.

SampleEndTime: int64 (or Double for the OCX version)
End time of the sample, expressed in 100 nano-seconds units.

See Also
OnRawAudioSample OnRawVideoSample RawAudioSampleCapture RawCaptureAsyncEvent RawVideoSampleCapture