Video sources supported for preview and recording




Video sources supported for preview and recording


Video sources supported for preview and recording

The VideoSource property selects the video source to use:

selects the video capture devices available on the current platform (by default), then the video capture device is selected by the VideoDevice property,

selects a file, URL or a static playlist specified by the VideoSource_FileOrURL property, for preview or recording (for playback with trackbar handling use OpenPlayer and the Player functions).

selects the screen as video source (to perform screen recording),

In this mode the component mixes several other TVideoGrabber components. See How to mix several video sources into one a single one

the video source are bitmap handles, or BMP files or JPEG files of the same format passed to the OnVideoFromBitmaps_NextFrameNeeded event.
See Video clips built on the fly by passing bitmap handles, BMP or JPEG files.

the video source is built from a set of bitmaps (BMP or JPEG files). See Video clip from bitmaps: Overview.

See Also
VideoSource VideoSources VideoSourcesCount TVideoSource