





Captures asynchronously the next video frame to memory or to files automatically.

function CaptureFrameTo(Dest: TFrameCaptureDest; FileName: String): Boolean;

bool __fastcall CaptureFrameTo(TFrameCaptureDest Dest, wchar_t *FileName)

Function CaptureFrameTo(Dest As TxFrameCaptureDest, FileName As String) As Boolean


Captures asynchronously the next video frame, depending of the Dest parameter (TFrameCaptureDest type):
- fc_TBitmap: to a memory Bitmap,
- fc_BmpFile: to a BMP file
- fc_JpegFile: to a JPEG file,
- fc_Clipboard: to the clipboard (CF_BITMAP format)

The frame grabber must be enabled to use this function.

The video frame is returned asynchronously by the OnFrameCaptureCompleted event.

To let TVideoGrabber generate automatically the file name when capturing a BMP or JPEG image to a file (Dest = fc_BmpFile or Dest = fc_JpegFile) , pass an empty string in the FileName property.
In this case a file name will be generated automatically in the StoragePath directory according to AutoFileName and AutoFilePrefix .

CaptureFrameTo (fc_JpegFile, '');

Otherwise you can specify yourself in the FileName property the path/file name to save the BMP or JPEG image.

See Also
TAutoFileName TFrameCaptureDest TOnFrameCaptureCompleted BurstCount BurstInterval BurstMode BurstType CaptureFrameSyncTo FrameCaptureHeight FrameCaptureWidth FrameCaptureWithoutOverlay FrameCaptureZoomSize GetFrameInfoString GetLastFrameAsHBITMAP GetLastFrameAsTBitmap GetLastFrameBitmapBits GetLastFrameBitmapBits2 GetLastFrameWaitTimeoutMs JPEGPerformance JPEGProgressiveDisplay JPEGQuality Last_BurstFrameCapture_FileName Last_CaptureFrameTo_FileName OnDiskFull OnFrameBitmap SetFrameCaptureBounds StoragePath WebcamStillCaptureButton