





Returns the file size of the current recording.

function RecordingKBytesWrittenToDisk: LongWord;

unsigned __fastcall RecordingKBytesWrittenToDisk(void);

function RecordingKBytesWrittenToDisk as Long


While recording, this function returns the file size in KB of the file currently beeing recorded.

This function reports the current (growing) file size in KB while the recording is running.

Invoke this function periodically (e.g. every 10 seconds) to retrieve on the fly the current file size of the video clip being recorded.

When the recording ends, invoke RecordingKBytesWrittenToDisk from the OnRecordingCompleted event to get the final file size of the recorded clip.

(note: due to the recording file buffer, the real size at a given time is always a bit larger than the size reported by this function)

See Also
Recording methods and properties TAVIMuxConfig TASFDeinterlaceMode TAutoFileName TOnRecordingCompleted TOnRecordingReadyToStart TRecordingMethod TSyncPreview AudioRecording AudioSyncAdjustment AutoFileNameMinDigits AVIDurationUpdated AVIFormatOpenDML AVIHeaderInfo AVIInfo Encoder_SetInt HoldRecording IsRecordingPaused Last_Recording_FileName OnBacktimedFramesCountReached OnCopyPreallocDataCompleted OnCopyPreallocDataProgress OnCopyPreallocDataStarted OnCreatePreallocFileCompleted OnCreatePreallocFileStarted OnDiskFull OnRecordingCompleted OnRecordingPaused OnRecordingReadyToStart OnRecordingStarted OnReencodingCompleted OnReencodingStarted PauseRecording PreallocCapFileCopiedAfterRecording PreallocCapFileEnabled PreallocCapFileName PreallocCapFileSizeInMB RecordingBacktimedFramesCount RecordingCanPause RecordingDuration RecordingFileName RecordingFileSizeMaxInMB RecordingFourCC RecordingHeight RecordingInNativeFormat RecordingMethod RecordingSize RecordingTimer RecordingTimerInterval RecordingWidth ResumeRecording SaveCompressorSettingsToDataString SetMultiplexerFilterByName StartAudioRecording StartRecording StartSynchronized StopRecording StoragePath Synchronized SyncPreview